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AerosoLess Medical introduces new nebulizer mask

May 02, 2023

Aerosolized medications during COVID-19 are no longer permitted because of the fear of transmitting the disease. The concern is viral particles will remain suspended in the air. AerosoLess Medical of South Florida has developed and recently released a new aerosol delivery device which allows medical personnel to again provide nebulized treatments.

MARGATE, Fla. — According to a recent estimate, more than 2,900 U.S. healthcare workers have died in the COVID-19 pandemic since March 2020. The gravity of the pandemic has heightened awareness of the necessity of preventing patients’ pathogens from infecting front-line medical personnel.

In the case of nebulizers, which are the recommended treatment protocol for medical conditions where patients present with shortness of breath, the pandemic has compromised physicians’ options in treating their patients. Nebulizers are being underused due to concerns that they facilitate the spreading of patient-generated viral particles into the environment.

AerosoLess Medical is producing the SafetyNeb, an aerosol delivery device fitted with water-resistant viral filters over its vent holes. These highly effective viral filters are designed to prevent both patient exhaled pathogens and fugitive emissions from entering into the environment and thereby endangering healthcare workers. In addition to the viral filters, the SafetyNeb uses patent- pending technology to create a CPAP-like tight seal with the patient's face.

Unlike other devices which were designed primarily for optimizing the delivery of aerosolized medications, the AerosoLess SafetyNeb was designed from the very beginning with the utmost focus on protecting the safety of healthcare personnel without compromising medication delivery. The unique design of the SafetyNeb drastically reduces the ability of pathogens contained in patients’ exhaled breath and coughs to escape into the environment.

AerosoLess Medical was founded by an Emergency Medicine Physician and an Aeronautics and Mechanical Engineer. AerosoLess Medical confronts challenges by creating solutions specifically designed with the safety of healthcare professionals in mind.

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About AerosoLess MedicalAerosoLess Medical was founded in response to the COVID-19 pandemic by an Emergency Medicine Physician and an Aeronautics and Mechanical Engineer. We believe that as physicians, health care professionals and scientists, we need innovative products with the utmost safety to be able to successfully navigate this uncharted territory. At AerosoLess Medical we confront challenges by creating solutions specifically designed with the healthcare professional in mind.

About AerosoLess Medical